Thursday, March 1, 2012

C4K Summary for February

My first kid was Jennifer from Pt. England School. She had a picture of herself and a comment saying that it was their first day back in school. I replied that our school's summer break isn't for a few months. She also stated that her favorite subject was math. I told her that I enjoyed math as well as science.

My second kid was Sam. His blog was about how he has had a lot of visitors since the last time he checked. He had 103 visitors. He decided to have a contest. However visited his blog page and left the most comments, he would put the winner's blog on his page. I told him that that was a great idea and it would attract a lot more visitors. I also told him that it is good to see students like himself blogging so well.

My third kid was Naiya. For her blog, she wrote a story. It was a really good story ,too. It was about this boy how loved to play in his basement. One day, a door that has never been opened cracked, and light shined threw it. He got scared and told one of his friends. The friend said that a little girl used to live there, and she said the same thing happened. She told everybody, and no one believed her. His friend said that she thinks she disappeared through that door. So the next time the door cracked, he went in it to save the little girl that vanished. He found her, and they wanted to return, but was stuck at this castle. They finally got to go home, but when they did, they went outside and saw the same castle. That was the end of the story. I told Naiya that she was very creative and a good writer. I told her that I hoped she would write a sequel to this story, because it makes you wonder what happened next.

My last kid for the month was Shakeem. He wrote a poem. It was about a girl who went off with a man.They had fun and laughed, but the man told the girl that he was the god of death, and that she was going to hell. I told him that, like Naiya, it would be great if he wrote a second part. I also said that he is very creative and imaginative. To write a poem like that, he has to be.

That was all of kids. It is really great that kids so young are getting involved with blogging. There blog pages are way more creative than mine.

1 comment:

  1. Daisy,

    You had some very cool kids! I enjoyed reading your summary post. Be sure to add links to the kid's blogs for future posts.
