Thursday, March 29, 2012

C4K- World Blog Challenge Post #1

I was assigned to a student named Shelby. Click here to see Shelby's page. Her first blog was saying that it was picture day, and that she loved Fridays. She loves Fridays because she doesn't have to do any homework or quizzes, and that weekends are all about the kids.

I told Shelby that I love Fridays as well. I look forward to a relaxing weekend, no homework, and movie premieres. I love new movies and they always come out on a Friday. I saw a few grammatical errors, and told to just be careful when it comes to punctuation. I mentioned that I look forward to seeing her next blog.

C4K for March

My kid for this month was Laiba. She wrote a story about two girls named Dawn and May. They were on a journey to find the rarest honey. Whoever found that honey, was named king or queen of the kingdom. They eventually found the honey, and was taken to the kingdom, where spiders jostled them into the kingdom.

My comment for her said that she is very creative and imaginative. I told her I wish there was more to the story, because I was curious to see what happened. I also told her that this story could give other children the inspiration to be a creative writer and to keep up the good work.

Blog Post #9

I decided to read Mr. McClung's first blog about his first year as a teacher, What I've Learned This Year (2008-2009). Mr. McClung talks about his first year as a teacher. He says that in his first year, he let the pressure of being observed effect his delivery of a lesson. He also says, that teachers lessons are not student centered,and that they focus more on how they will deliver, rather than how to connect with the students and make sure that they understand. This really is true. I know that we, as student teachers, will be watched and observed, so we will try to satisfy our supervisor. That is not a bad thing, but we need to keep our priorities set on the students as well. Also, Mr. McClung say not to set expectations on your students. I loved this part of the blog. He says that we do set expectations, but instead of getting upset at the students when they fail, encourage them and help them back up. Another thing that caught my attention was about not being afraid of technology. I think this is why we need to take this class, so we will not be afraid of technology when we step out on our own as teachers. We will be fairly prepared for what is to come with technology. We might have to learn how use some technology, but like Mr. McClung said in his post, "jump in head first, the water is fine." The last two parts of his blog is about listening to your student and never stop learning. I think that listening to your students can make a major difference in their life. Maybe that is the only time they are heard, is when they are at school. I also think that we should keep our minds open to learn more. Some people feel like they don't need to learn more, but that is not true.

For my second blog to read, I decided to read What I've Learned This Year (2009-2010). First, I loved how he acknowledged Dr. Strange and the EDM310 class in his blog. I know that as teachers, we will have to adapt at some point. Mr. McClung had to adapt from teaching 6th grade science to teaching 8th grade history. Not only did he have to change grade level, but also subjects. You never know when you will be transferred or have to move. You might start out teaching kindergarten to teaching 6th grade. We need to be prepared to make adaptations, and adjust for our students sake. He also talked about the path least traveled. He tried to get his students involved in a debate, but they tried to answer with something they thought the teacher would be satisfied with. He said he wanted his students to think for themselves. He said he didn't want his students to always look for the right answers, but to think. Mr. McClung says he will do whatever it takes to get his students to learn. Sometimes he has to act like he likes the curriculum, but he knows he is trying his best to get the students interested. I think that is great. We need to be willing to do whatever it takes to help our students learn, and I know if they think the teacher likes that topic, they will grow interested as well. He also talked about control in the classroom. He tries to let his students have a little control by letting them get their own graded papers. I think this gives the student a sense of independence as well. I remember when I was in elementary and middle school, we students loved do that kind of stuff on our own. I hated that this young teacher has to deal with horrible staff at his school. That happens everywhere, however. My dad is teacher, doesn't bother anybody, but some people just try to find something to criticize. I hate that, but you can't let other "adults" affect your teaching. Some people are just born to love drama.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Blog Post #8

This Is How We Dream Parts 1 and 2

This video was very true about the way technology is advancing. Dr. Richard Miller talked about the way that people are using books less often and are using the internet as a reading source. I know that we, as students, find ourselves looking up information on the internet with our laptops, rather than running to the library.Dr. Miller used an example with the famous Dr. Martin Luther King. In This Is How We Dream Part 1, it show Dr. Miller sharing his information with other people, and having a chat session between the people.

In This Is How We Dream Part 2, Dr. Miller explains a little about iTunes U. It is very interesting that teachers can share lectures with their students. I loved the part where he said that ideas belong to use as a culture, and I find it fascinating that we can share our ideas with the world. Also, Dr. Miller talks about using your ideas and creativity to make something amazing. He shows us his model of combining humanities and sciences to work together. I think that this technology is great to just show us an idea from a person.

I think these two videos gives us something to think about. First, we all need to be prepared to have to learn how to work with technology. Slowly, writing is becoming extinct. It's kind of like how we used to watch movies from VHS, then to DVD's, and now we are moving to Blue Ray. We might not like the change, but it's happening. Second, we are using technology to share with the world. We can post a video, and have so many people watch the video. Dr. Miller said that in a few months time, he had over 9,000 people view his video and embed it into their blogs. That is just amazing.

Carly Pugh's Blog Post #12

Carly does an amazing job on this assignment. The point of her assignment is to get you to create a playlist that describes your teaching philosophy. Carly pointed out exactly what she wanted the playlist to consist of and the instructions were really good to follow. Carly's assignment comes close to Dr. Miller's hope for writing with multi-media, because she has you to use the internet to locate information. None of this requires using paper and pencil.

The Chipper Series and EDM310 for Dummies

In The Chipper Series, Chipper not only procrastinates, but decides that she doesn't want to turn in her assignments at all. Chipper also blames the teacher for her failure, when she didn't put any effort into her work. Chipper drops out of school,makes a school where you don't have to do anything, and it gets shut down. Chipper tries the easy way and gets her degree online. She gets a teaching job and gets fired after four days. In the end, Chipper decides to get her education the right way after her "cleansing". That is how a majority of the world tries to function. We try to get by with the bare minimum, and in the end it doesn't work. The way I look at it is that we will be in school for four years of our lives, so we should work our hardest. If you think about it, four years is not that long. You will be working for at least 25 years, so make the most of those four years.

EDM310 for Dummies was so cute. I must admit, I did not know anything about Twitter or Blogger either. I think the point of this video is to not give up. I have a disadvantage because I am just learning about this type of technology, but I have no excuse to give up. We have a staff in the computer lab, and they have been so helpful and taught me things I didn't know. I know I need to improve on the way I see videos and interpret them, but isn't that the point of this class? To learn. I have never really used YouTube before this class, so if I don't understand the point of the video, I have someone who will explain it to me. This video did make a point that this class is time consuming, but you really do learn about technology. I would like to make a video showing how I learned about technology by being in EDM310.

Learn to Change, Change to Learn

One of the first things that was mentioned was that education is ranked 55! Not out of 100 but 55! That shows were our priorities are. Something that also caught my attention was that children use technology to communicate and learn, but it is banned from schools. One of the ladies in the video mentioned that technology should begin with the teacher. Let the teachers blog with other teachers. That is true in order for teachers to teach their students. There does need to be a change in the classroom, and I can't wait to begin that change. I want to help students. Like the video said, this will help these students, not only for college, but for life.

Scavenger Hunt 2.0

1. My very first comic

my first comic about a girl making friends at her new school

2. I found a video tool I have never used before called Animoto. With this, you can make a slideshow with photos, but more in like a 3-D image. It was really neat seeing how you can make a photo album so meaningful.

3. I found Poll Everywhere. This website allows you to create your own poll.

a poll asking if pepsi or coke is the better beverage

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Short Movie

I decided to read the same story I did my book trailor for. I read The Clown-Arounds Go On Vacation.

Book Trailor

I did my book trailor on The Clown-Arounds Go On Vacation.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Blog Post #7

The Networked Student by Wendy Drexler

This video really showed me how students are getting more involved with technology. The thought that so many podcasts are made for a class lecture. What will the world be like in ten years when it comes to technology? Technology is overpowering our world, and I believe it is a good thing.

The question that was asked was "Why does the networked student even need a teacher?" That is a good question. He said that the teacher is a mentor and helps the students when they get stuck, but really? That is a scary question. Like I said, in ten years, who knows how important teachers will be. I want to make an impact and teach students. This video makes you think about stuff like that.

Towards the end, he says that teacher hopes that in her heart, she helped that student. I believe that teachers will always be needed, but to a certain degree. We are advancing to online classes, where you don't even have to show up to class, or even meet your teacher. In some ways that can be good or bad.

A 7th Grader's Personal Learning Environment (or PLN)

Well my PLN is not near as advanced or organized as hers. You can tell that she has more experience with her PLN than I do. I have never heard of an LPN until this class, so that shouldn't be surprising. It was also cool to see that Mrs. Wendy Drexler had her 7th grade class to work on this project. In the instructions, it said that she wanted to work with middle school students, and she got her chance.

PLN Project #10

I first started with my PLN and I have learned that it is very helpful.This is better than bookmarking your favorite internet page. This is way more organized.

Project 9b (Instructional Timetoast Timeline)

Anne Frank

Click here to see where I got the information about Anne Frank

C4T #2

My teacher this go around was Annie Palmer. I her first blog, she said that she was starting a twitter book study group. The group was going to be covering Unmistakable Impact. She then began to talk about how 12 million students will drop out of school, causing the nation to lose $3 trillion dollars. She then began to talk about how teachers need to cooperate with each other and work and as a team instead of individuals. I then said that it is a great idea for teachers to work together and see what works for the students and not themselves. I also said that I was new to twitter, and for her to have a study group through twitter is outstanding. The drop out numbers of students, I was not aware that it was so high.

For the second blog of Annie Palmer, I had to go back to the blog before. She titled it "Recognizing Effort, Not Just Outcome." She said that she reads books from different sections other than education, like in the business section. She said that you will have to fail in order to succeed. She also said that she didn't realize how tough it was on her third grade students to memorize or learn a concept, but she encouraged them anyway. I just responded that I agree with failing in order to succeed, because you would never learn if never failed. I also put that I never thought about going outside of education to learn about education, like reading a business book.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Blog Post #6

Randy Pausch's Last Lecture

It was so hard watching this video just because you know he only has a couple of months to live.It was so nice to see that he likes to make his classes fun. He said that the students spend four years reading books, so they need to have fun in the masters program. If every masters program felt that way. Your could tell that he loved what he did. He had passion to teach and went out of the way for his students. The extra time he spent with his students was amazing. He took one of his classes to Disney World for a week. I would have loved to have been in his program. I want my students to have fun in class, but to also learn. I know that if children get bored, they begin to daydream and lose focus, so why not make school fun and interesting?

"Experiences is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted." Randy Pausch said this during his lecture. He wanted to go to the NFL, but he said that the things he worked for in football got him to where he is today. He said that his coach came to practice without any balls to practice with. The coach told them that techniques is the key to success. That is so true. My dad has told me that my entire life. As a teacher and mentor, we will have to get students to learn the techniques first before we can send them out into the world.

Randy Pausch also said to be careful what you wish for. He always wanted to work at Imagineers. When he finally got the opportunity to work there, he got overwhelmed and overworked. I find this so true. We want so much, but we don't realize what could happen when we get it. How can we wish for more things, when in my opinion, when have everything. We all have the opportunity to go to school, to eat, to breath, to walk, to talk, and many more things that we take for granted. We are so blessed to have the chance to be teachers and impact the world.

Again, it is sad that this video was Randy Pausch's last. Even though I was sad for him, he was so happy and beyond thankful for all of his accomplishments. He had his wife there, and he surprised her with a birthday cake. The smallest things can make someone feel so special, and you can tell that he wanted his wife to feel happy for that moment. Like Randy Pausch said, this opportunity was one in five careers. He has accomplished so much, and has changed the world of technology. He thanked so many people. Even though he is young, in my opinion, he has meet more people than I can imagine. We should all be so thankful. Even though Randy had a pancreas full of cancer, he was thankful for his career, wife, three children, and the his students, colleagues, students, and friends in his life.

C4K Summary for February

My first kid was Jennifer from Pt. England School. She had a picture of herself and a comment saying that it was their first day back in school. I replied that our school's summer break isn't for a few months. She also stated that her favorite subject was math. I told her that I enjoyed math as well as science.

My second kid was Sam. His blog was about how he has had a lot of visitors since the last time he checked. He had 103 visitors. He decided to have a contest. However visited his blog page and left the most comments, he would put the winner's blog on his page. I told him that that was a great idea and it would attract a lot more visitors. I also told him that it is good to see students like himself blogging so well.

My third kid was Naiya. For her blog, she wrote a story. It was a really good story ,too. It was about this boy how loved to play in his basement. One day, a door that has never been opened cracked, and light shined threw it. He got scared and told one of his friends. The friend said that a little girl used to live there, and she said the same thing happened. She told everybody, and no one believed her. His friend said that she thinks she disappeared through that door. So the next time the door cracked, he went in it to save the little girl that vanished. He found her, and they wanted to return, but was stuck at this castle. They finally got to go home, but when they did, they went outside and saw the same castle. That was the end of the story. I told Naiya that she was very creative and a good writer. I told her that I hoped she would write a sequel to this story, because it makes you wonder what happened next.

My last kid for the month was Shakeem. He wrote a poem. It was about a girl who went off with a man.They had fun and laughed, but the man told the girl that he was the god of death, and that she was going to hell. I told him that, like Naiya, it would be great if he wrote a second part. I also said that he is very creative and imaginative. To write a poem like that, he has to be.

That was all of kids. It is really great that kids so young are getting involved with blogging. There blog pages are way more creative than mine.