Daisy Snow's EDM 310 Class Blog
Friday, May 4, 2012
Project #13

Friday, April 27, 2012
Final Report on PLN
This is my final PLN. I do not use a lot of tools on the internet, but I was surprised at how many web blocks I had. I love the PLN. It keeps me organized, and usually when I get on the internet, there are at least four websites that I visit. I just go to my PLN and click on the blocks instead of having to go through a big circle to get to my websites. I will definitely use this as a teacher.
Blog Post #13
For this assignment I was required to pretty much give up technology for 24 hours. This is so much more difficult than what I had expected. I usually check my Facebook at least 10 times a day, use texting to communicate with friends and family, and my computer for homework and research. This was hard to give up because I am so used to checking my phone every 5 minutes. I had to be sure to tell someone where I was going, because my phone would be off. What made this part easy is that my phone went dead and I had no choice but to stay off my phone. I also watch T.V. when I go to bed, so this was a major adjust since this was a normal routine; however, I found the quietness and darkness very comforting and more easy to go to bed. This assigment made me realize how addicted and realiable I am of technology.
C4T #4
Kelly Tenkely
I followed Kelly Tenkely. For her first blog, she wrote about how teachers should use podcasts for weekly reports instead of folders sent home by the teachers. She said that parents can use this podcast as memories, especially when the child is older and their voices have changed. Kelly said that parents aren't sure what they are looking for when folders are sent home and that parents doesn't check their child's blog regularly. The audio only last for about 30 seconds to one minute and 30 seconds. The objective of this is to let parents know how their child is progressing, lets the students keep an audio of themselves and they can listen to it when they get older, and to let digital portfolio grow. I told Kelly that it is very important for parents to know how well their child is doing and where they stand. I think this is a very good idea for the parents to know, but also hear their child's voice.
For Kelly Tenkely's second blog that I commented on she talked about TED-ED. This is something that teachers can use to teach their students with animation. It can be adjusted and tweaked as needed. This incorporates flip teaching. This is where the students learn at home, using the animated video lecture, and do the homework at school. This allows teachers to help the students with homework and find their strength and weeknesses. I told her that this is a great idea for the students to learn will having fun. I also think it is great that the students will have access to their teachers for homework, because I know that's when I needed my teachers the most.
For Kelly Tenkely's second blog that I commented on she talked about TED-ED. This is something that teachers can use to teach their students with animation. It can be adjusted and tweaked as needed. This incorporates flip teaching. This is where the students learn at home, using the animated video lecture, and do the homework at school. This allows teachers to help the students with homework and find their strength and weeknesses. I told her that this is a great idea for the students to learn will having fun. I also think it is great that the students will have access to their teachers for homework, because I know that's when I needed my teachers the most.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Progress Report on Final Project
My group and I have not yet decided what we would do our project on yet. I have watched the videos though and have had some ideas. My group and communicate through text and will soon record our Skype meeting. I look forward to that so I can learn something new. We are currently busy with our project #15, so when we get through with that, we will focus more on the final project #16.
Creativity and Curiosity: My Thoughts - Special Post #12A
Blog Post #12
For this assignment, I wanted to do something creative, different, and something that is very common in schools these days. I want to do something that will help end bullying. I was thinking about what I could do and I was googling ways to end bullying through technology. I think this assignment will prepare us college students to be aware of bullying and helping to prevent it. Bullying is becoming a major issue and will happen when we begin to teach, and this class is about using technology, so here is my assignment.
Bully Blaster App created by Valley Students= go to this page and watch the video. Create a post on how you feel you can prevent bullying and how technology applies to this assignment. Talk about how the Valley students use technology to bring awareness to our attention. Then, tell us a way you can bring awareness to your student's attention by using technology.
This video definitely uses technology to prevent bullying. This allows students to use the iPad while helping to prevent bullying. Teachers could use this app with their students, especially at a young age. I think it is great that students made this app to help children with bullying. This game allows the user to be rewarded for not using bullying, and I think this could help students who do bully feel like they are being rewarded. I think it is great that the Valley students created this game through technology. We are getting more technologically advanced, and students can find comfort through technology I think any awareness can brought to our student's attention through technology. Like this, you can find games through iTunes, play games online, and use the internet to let your students find ways to bring awareness. Students can even bond and use teamwork to help other out, and this allows students to get along with each other, even if it is with the bully.
Bully Blaster App created by Valley Students= go to this page and watch the video. Create a post on how you feel you can prevent bullying and how technology applies to this assignment. Talk about how the Valley students use technology to bring awareness to our attention. Then, tell us a way you can bring awareness to your student's attention by using technology.
This video definitely uses technology to prevent bullying. This allows students to use the iPad while helping to prevent bullying. Teachers could use this app with their students, especially at a young age. I think it is great that students made this app to help children with bullying. This game allows the user to be rewarded for not using bullying, and I think this could help students who do bully feel like they are being rewarded. I think it is great that the Valley students created this game through technology. We are getting more technologically advanced, and students can find comfort through technology I think any awareness can brought to our student's attention through technology. Like this, you can find games through iTunes, play games online, and use the internet to let your students find ways to bring awareness. Students can even bond and use teamwork to help other out, and this allows students to get along with each other, even if it is with the bully.
C4K Summary for April
The first three weeks of this month, we had to do the World Blog Challenge. I had a girl named Shelby. In her first blog post, she talked about it was picture day Friday. She also mentioned that she enjoyed that wouldn't have to do homework or take quizzes during the weekends. She said that the weekends are just for the kids. I told her that I love the weekends as well. I love to relax and I look forward to seeing new movie premieres on Friday nights.
For Shelby's second blog post, she talked about The Hunger Games. She said she really liked the movie and that it was sad and scary. I told her that I fell in love with The Hunger Games Series. I also said that I watched the movie before reading the books, and that's how I started getting into it. I encouraged her to read the books, because if she liked the movie, then she would love the books.
For the last week of the World Blog Challenge, Shelby did not have another post, so I commented on a girl named Alexis. She talked about bullying and how it affects kids. She said that humans do not bully, but monsters do. She also said that it is horrible for someone to make someone to feel bad in order to make themselves feel better. I told Alexis that I agree with her. I hate bullying and I hate that it is making kids dread going to school. I told her that it is great that she is bringing awareness about bullying and keep up the good work.
Mubashshir was my last kid that I commented on. He made an animated video about himself. He said that he likes to read, listen to music and swim. I told him that I also like to read and listen to music. I listen to my music everyday. I also told him that I liked that he added his voice to the video.
For the last week of the World Blog Challenge, Shelby did not have another post, so I commented on a girl named Alexis. She talked about bullying and how it affects kids. She said that humans do not bully, but monsters do. She also said that it is horrible for someone to make someone to feel bad in order to make themselves feel better. I told Alexis that I agree with her. I hate bullying and I hate that it is making kids dread going to school. I told her that it is great that she is bringing awareness about bullying and keep up the good work.
Mubashshir was my last kid that I commented on. He made an animated video about himself. He said that he likes to read, listen to music and swim. I told him that I also like to read and listen to music. I listen to my music everyday. I also told him that I liked that he added his voice to the video.
C4K Post #4 for April
For this week I had Mubashshir. He made an animation video with his voice as the audio. In his video, he said that he likes to swim, listen to music, and read. I told Mubashshir that his video was great. I also said that I love to read and listen to music. I listen to my music everyday and I am glad that he enjoys reading. I told him to keep up the good blogging.
C4K- World Blog Challenge Post #3

Unfortunately, my kid Shelby did not create new post, so I commented on a girl named Alexis' post. Alexis talked about bullying. She said that she doesn't think it is right that people treat other people bad in order to make themselves feel better. She said that humans do not bully, but monster do. She said that bullying effects how people see themselves. I commented that I totally agree with her. I hate bullying and would love to put an end to it. I hate that students are afraid to go to school just because bullying awaits them. I also said that I am very glad that she is bringing awareness to the world.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Blog Post #11
Little Kids... Big Potential
In this video, Ms. Cassidy's first grade students show us how they work with their blogs, wikis, Skype, and Nintendo DS. It is amazing how 1st grade students know so much about technology. These students did a great job explaining how they use this technology. I never thought about using Nintendo DS for internet purposes. I am still amazed at the fact that these young students are so much more advanced with blogging than a lot of adults in this world.
Skype Interview with Ms. Cassidy
I really enjoyed watching this interview with Ms. Cassidy. I learned a lot of great ideas. I feel that it is very important to protect a child's identity, well to protect the child period. Ms. Cassidy has great ways to protect each child. I think it is important not to mention the child's last name, not to post pictures of the students, and to send permission slips home to use the internet at school. I remember having to get my parents to sign those papers when I was in school. I also think it is a great advantage to have an assistant, or a technology coordinator like Ms. Cassidy has. I also thought it was funny that Ms. Cassidy doesn't use technology for her personal life. I am the same in some ways. I have never had a twitter until this class, and I only use it for this class. She said to use technology for what you are interested in. I think this applies well to students. Elementary students are fascinated with computer themselves, so I think this is why her first grade students are doing so well with blogging. I would also consider letting my students work in groups. The students that are interested in videos, could make a video for the class. The students that are interested in photography could make a picture slideshow to present to the class. Ms. Cassidy also mentioned that she lets her students blog once or twice a week. I think this would be great to get the kids excited about blogging. Maybe use Friday as free Friday. If they do well during the week, then the student can be rewarded by getting to use the computer to blog. I know when I was a kid, I got excited for Fridays just for that reason.
In this video, Ms. Cassidy's first grade students show us how they work with their blogs, wikis, Skype, and Nintendo DS. It is amazing how 1st grade students know so much about technology. These students did a great job explaining how they use this technology. I never thought about using Nintendo DS for internet purposes. I am still amazed at the fact that these young students are so much more advanced with blogging than a lot of adults in this world.
Skype Interview with Ms. Cassidy
I really enjoyed watching this interview with Ms. Cassidy. I learned a lot of great ideas. I feel that it is very important to protect a child's identity, well to protect the child period. Ms. Cassidy has great ways to protect each child. I think it is important not to mention the child's last name, not to post pictures of the students, and to send permission slips home to use the internet at school. I remember having to get my parents to sign those papers when I was in school. I also think it is a great advantage to have an assistant, or a technology coordinator like Ms. Cassidy has. I also thought it was funny that Ms. Cassidy doesn't use technology for her personal life. I am the same in some ways. I have never had a twitter until this class, and I only use it for this class. She said to use technology for what you are interested in. I think this applies well to students. Elementary students are fascinated with computer themselves, so I think this is why her first grade students are doing so well with blogging. I would also consider letting my students work in groups. The students that are interested in videos, could make a video for the class. The students that are interested in photography could make a picture slideshow to present to the class. Ms. Cassidy also mentioned that she lets her students blog once or twice a week. I think this would be great to get the kids excited about blogging. Maybe use Friday as free Friday. If they do well during the week, then the student can be rewarded by getting to use the computer to blog. I know when I was a kid, I got excited for Fridays just for that reason.
Friday, April 6, 2012
Blog Post #10
Do You Teach or Do You Educate?
I wanted become an education major because I want to make a difference in my student's lives. Not to just teach my students, but inspire them to do anything they put their minds to. I have never thought about the difference of teaching and educating, until I watched this video. This video pointed out that teaching is basically just explaining something, giving information, and getting someone to pretty much think the way you do. Educating is much more than that. Educating means inspiring, mentoring, and leading. I want to educate. I want my student's to trust me and be able to come to me for anything.
While educating, I hope to lead my students by example. I can tell them all kinds of stories, but they will not fully believe me until I show them. That's why I wanted to become an education major. I saw my teachers as leaders, and wanted to be like them one day. I did have teachers who would just make us read the text book and answer questions at the end of the chapter. The teachers never got involved with the students, and that is what I don't want to be. I want to make my students want to learn, instead of dread it.
Tom Johnson's Don't Let Them Take the Pencils Home!
In this blog post, Mr. Spencer tells us about how Gertrude, the School Curriculum Instructional Interventionist Academic Specialist, storms into his classroom and begins to exclaim to him that students should not be bringing pencils home. She stated that bringing pencils home have shown to decrease standardize test scores. She wanted to just throw pencils out of the equation. Tom, the teacher, explains that he has meet with the parents and told them ways that pencils can help them learn. Gertrude was not happy about the situation.
I loved this blog! Mr. Spencer does a really great job on showing us that instead of eliminating the problem, to use the tool to benefit the students. Instead of fixing the problem, Gertrude wanted to get rid of pencils. The problem with this is, how can pencils make test scores go down? It is not the pencil, it is the teacher. If the teacher is not doing their job, then the student will not pass. Tom uses the pencil to "educate." He said that if his students bring pencils home and play hangman, then he still believes they are learning in some way.
We have to prepare our children for the real world. If we educate them right, then the student will know what to do with a pencil. Instead of playing around with the pencil, students will use pencils for creativity and learning. I don't think that showing our students to eliminate a problem is a good idea. They need to figure out what is wrong, and fix it. Tom does this. He gets his students involved with projects that grab their attention. I am certain that Tom's students test scores will come out successful
I wanted become an education major because I want to make a difference in my student's lives. Not to just teach my students, but inspire them to do anything they put their minds to. I have never thought about the difference of teaching and educating, until I watched this video. This video pointed out that teaching is basically just explaining something, giving information, and getting someone to pretty much think the way you do. Educating is much more than that. Educating means inspiring, mentoring, and leading. I want to educate. I want my student's to trust me and be able to come to me for anything.
While educating, I hope to lead my students by example. I can tell them all kinds of stories, but they will not fully believe me until I show them. That's why I wanted to become an education major. I saw my teachers as leaders, and wanted to be like them one day. I did have teachers who would just make us read the text book and answer questions at the end of the chapter. The teachers never got involved with the students, and that is what I don't want to be. I want to make my students want to learn, instead of dread it.
Tom Johnson's Don't Let Them Take the Pencils Home!
In this blog post, Mr. Spencer tells us about how Gertrude, the School Curriculum Instructional Interventionist Academic Specialist, storms into his classroom and begins to exclaim to him that students should not be bringing pencils home. She stated that bringing pencils home have shown to decrease standardize test scores. She wanted to just throw pencils out of the equation. Tom, the teacher, explains that he has meet with the parents and told them ways that pencils can help them learn. Gertrude was not happy about the situation.
I loved this blog! Mr. Spencer does a really great job on showing us that instead of eliminating the problem, to use the tool to benefit the students. Instead of fixing the problem, Gertrude wanted to get rid of pencils. The problem with this is, how can pencils make test scores go down? It is not the pencil, it is the teacher. If the teacher is not doing their job, then the student will not pass. Tom uses the pencil to "educate." He said that if his students bring pencils home and play hangman, then he still believes they are learning in some way.
We have to prepare our children for the real world. If we educate them right, then the student will know what to do with a pencil. Instead of playing around with the pencil, students will use pencils for creativity and learning. I don't think that showing our students to eliminate a problem is a good idea. They need to figure out what is wrong, and fix it. Tom does this. He gets his students involved with projects that grab their attention. I am certain that Tom's students test scores will come out successful
C4K- World Blog Challenge- Post #2
Shelby and The Hunger Games
I am commenting on a kid name Shelby. She talked about how she went to the movies and watched The Hunger Games. I told her that I love The Hunger Games. I watched the movie first, and just had to read the books. I told her that I am currently on the third book, and that if she hasn't read the books yet then she should. I mentioned that the book was way better than the movie, and that the movie was so good, then she would enjoy the books. I just want to try to influence her to read. Our children don't read as much as they should, and hopefully this comment will make Shelby want to read, that is if she already doesn't.
I am commenting on a kid name Shelby. She talked about how she went to the movies and watched The Hunger Games. I told her that I love The Hunger Games. I watched the movie first, and just had to read the books. I told her that I am currently on the third book, and that if she hasn't read the books yet then she should. I mentioned that the book was way better than the movie, and that the movie was so good, then she would enjoy the books. I just want to try to influence her to read. Our children don't read as much as they should, and hopefully this comment will make Shelby want to read, that is if she already doesn't.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
C4T #3
My teacher these past two weeks was Kelly Hines. In her first blog, she uses the pencil metaphor. She talks about how groups are formed in a classroom. The base of the pencil, that you use to hold and grip the pencil, represents all the people who follow the crown. The lead of the pencil, which is the smallest part of the pencil, represents the people who are willing to lead, help others who don't understand, and steps out of the box. Last, there are the people who represent the eraser. This means that people literally act a erasers. These are the negative people who try to tear people down, criticize there work, and tries to destroy their work.
I told Kelly Hines that I would have never thought about groups of people as a pencil. I also said that this world does have few leaders, but we have a pretty big number of criticizers. We need to help each other up, instead of tearing each other down.
For my second blog reading, Kelly Hines was inviting all teachers to a free visit to the North Caroline Museum of Life and Science. She basically said that it an appreciation for the hard work that teachers put up. She also said that the teachers can experience this trip through the students eye and see what the children see.
I said that we have a place similar to that place called the Exploreum. I mentioned that every few months, they change the topics out. I think that it is great to show teachers appreciation. I think that this could give teachers an idea of how they would want to teach sciences in their class, and learn.
I told Kelly Hines that I would have never thought about groups of people as a pencil. I also said that this world does have few leaders, but we have a pretty big number of criticizers. We need to help each other up, instead of tearing each other down.
For my second blog reading, Kelly Hines was inviting all teachers to a free visit to the North Caroline Museum of Life and Science. She basically said that it an appreciation for the hard work that teachers put up. She also said that the teachers can experience this trip through the students eye and see what the children see.
I said that we have a place similar to that place called the Exploreum. I mentioned that every few months, they change the topics out. I think that it is great to show teachers appreciation. I think that this could give teachers an idea of how they would want to teach sciences in their class, and learn.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Thursday, March 29, 2012
C4K- World Blog Challenge Post #1
I was assigned to a student named Shelby. Click here to see Shelby's page. Her first blog was saying that it was picture day, and that she loved Fridays. She loves Fridays because she doesn't have to do any homework or quizzes, and that weekends are all about the kids.
I told Shelby that I love Fridays as well. I look forward to a relaxing weekend, no homework, and movie premieres. I love new movies and they always come out on a Friday. I saw a few grammatical errors, and told to just be careful when it comes to punctuation. I mentioned that I look forward to seeing her next blog.
C4K for March
My kid for this month was Laiba. She wrote a story about two girls named Dawn and May. They were on a journey to find the rarest honey. Whoever found that honey, was named king or queen of the kingdom. They eventually found the honey, and was taken to the kingdom, where spiders jostled them into the kingdom.
My comment for her said that she is very creative and imaginative. I told her I wish there was more to the story, because I was curious to see what happened. I also told her that this story could give other children the inspiration to be a creative writer and to keep up the good work.
My comment for her said that she is very creative and imaginative. I told her I wish there was more to the story, because I was curious to see what happened. I also told her that this story could give other children the inspiration to be a creative writer and to keep up the good work.
Blog Post #9
I decided to read Mr. McClung's first blog about his first year as a teacher, What I've Learned This Year (2008-2009). Mr. McClung talks about his first year as a teacher. He says that in his first year, he let the pressure of being observed effect his delivery of a lesson. He also says, that teachers lessons are not student centered,and that they focus more on how they will deliver, rather than how to connect with the students and make sure that they understand. This really is true. I know that we, as student teachers, will be watched and observed, so we will try to satisfy our supervisor. That is not a bad thing, but we need to keep our priorities set on the students as well. Also, Mr. McClung say not to set expectations on your students. I loved this part of the blog. He says that we do set expectations, but instead of getting upset at the students when they fail, encourage them and help them back up. Another thing that caught my attention was about not being afraid of technology. I think this is why we need to take this class, so we will not be afraid of technology when we step out on our own as teachers. We will be fairly prepared for what is to come with technology. We might have to learn how use some technology, but like Mr. McClung said in his post, "jump in head first, the water is fine." The last two parts of his blog is about listening to your student and never stop learning. I think that listening to your students can make a major difference in their life. Maybe that is the only time they are heard, is when they are at school. I also think that we should keep our minds open to learn more. Some people feel like they don't need to learn more, but that is not true.
For my second blog to read, I decided to read What I've Learned This Year (2009-2010). First, I loved how he acknowledged Dr. Strange and the EDM310 class in his blog. I know that as teachers, we will have to adapt at some point. Mr. McClung had to adapt from teaching 6th grade science to teaching 8th grade history. Not only did he have to change grade level, but also subjects. You never know when you will be transferred or have to move. You might start out teaching kindergarten to teaching 6th grade. We need to be prepared to make adaptations, and adjust for our students sake. He also talked about the path least traveled. He tried to get his students involved in a debate, but they tried to answer with something they thought the teacher would be satisfied with. He said he wanted his students to think for themselves. He said he didn't want his students to always look for the right answers, but to think. Mr. McClung says he will do whatever it takes to get his students to learn. Sometimes he has to act like he likes the curriculum, but he knows he is trying his best to get the students interested. I think that is great. We need to be willing to do whatever it takes to help our students learn, and I know if they think the teacher likes that topic, they will grow interested as well. He also talked about control in the classroom. He tries to let his students have a little control by letting them get their own graded papers. I think this gives the student a sense of independence as well. I remember when I was in elementary and middle school, we students loved do that kind of stuff on our own. I hated that this young teacher has to deal with horrible staff at his school. That happens everywhere, however. My dad is teacher, doesn't bother anybody, but some people just try to find something to criticize. I hate that, but you can't let other "adults" affect your teaching. Some people are just born to love drama.
For my second blog to read, I decided to read What I've Learned This Year (2009-2010). First, I loved how he acknowledged Dr. Strange and the EDM310 class in his blog. I know that as teachers, we will have to adapt at some point. Mr. McClung had to adapt from teaching 6th grade science to teaching 8th grade history. Not only did he have to change grade level, but also subjects. You never know when you will be transferred or have to move. You might start out teaching kindergarten to teaching 6th grade. We need to be prepared to make adaptations, and adjust for our students sake. He also talked about the path least traveled. He tried to get his students involved in a debate, but they tried to answer with something they thought the teacher would be satisfied with. He said he wanted his students to think for themselves. He said he didn't want his students to always look for the right answers, but to think. Mr. McClung says he will do whatever it takes to get his students to learn. Sometimes he has to act like he likes the curriculum, but he knows he is trying his best to get the students interested. I think that is great. We need to be willing to do whatever it takes to help our students learn, and I know if they think the teacher likes that topic, they will grow interested as well. He also talked about control in the classroom. He tries to let his students have a little control by letting them get their own graded papers. I think this gives the student a sense of independence as well. I remember when I was in elementary and middle school, we students loved do that kind of stuff on our own. I hated that this young teacher has to deal with horrible staff at his school. That happens everywhere, however. My dad is teacher, doesn't bother anybody, but some people just try to find something to criticize. I hate that, but you can't let other "adults" affect your teaching. Some people are just born to love drama.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Blog Post #8
This Is How We Dream Parts 1 and 2
This video was very true about the way technology is advancing. Dr. Richard Miller talked about the way that people are using books less often and are using the internet as a reading source. I know that we, as students, find ourselves looking up information on the internet with our laptops, rather than running to the library.Dr. Miller used an example with the famous Dr. Martin Luther King. In This Is How We Dream Part 1, it show Dr. Miller sharing his information with other people, and having a chat session between the people.
In This Is How We Dream Part 2, Dr. Miller explains a little about iTunes U. It is very interesting that teachers can share lectures with their students. I loved the part where he said that ideas belong to use as a culture, and I find it fascinating that we can share our ideas with the world. Also, Dr. Miller talks about using your ideas and creativity to make something amazing. He shows us his model of combining humanities and sciences to work together. I think that this technology is great to just show us an idea from a person.
I think these two videos gives us something to think about. First, we all need to be prepared to have to learn how to work with technology. Slowly, writing is becoming extinct. It's kind of like how we used to watch movies from VHS, then to DVD's, and now we are moving to Blue Ray. We might not like the change, but it's happening. Second, we are using technology to share with the world. We can post a video, and have so many people watch the video. Dr. Miller said that in a few months time, he had over 9,000 people view his video and embed it into their blogs. That is just amazing.
Carly Pugh's Blog Post #12
Carly does an amazing job on this assignment. The point of her assignment is to get you to create a playlist that describes your teaching philosophy. Carly pointed out exactly what she wanted the playlist to consist of and the instructions were really good to follow. Carly's assignment comes close to Dr. Miller's hope for writing with multi-media, because she has you to use the internet to locate information. None of this requires using paper and pencil.
The Chipper Series and EDM310 for Dummies
In The Chipper Series, Chipper not only procrastinates, but decides that she doesn't want to turn in her assignments at all. Chipper also blames the teacher for her failure, when she didn't put any effort into her work. Chipper drops out of school,makes a school where you don't have to do anything, and it gets shut down. Chipper tries the easy way and gets her degree online. She gets a teaching job and gets fired after four days. In the end, Chipper decides to get her education the right way after her "cleansing". That is how a majority of the world tries to function. We try to get by with the bare minimum, and in the end it doesn't work. The way I look at it is that we will be in school for four years of our lives, so we should work our hardest. If you think about it, four years is not that long. You will be working for at least 25 years, so make the most of those four years.
EDM310 for Dummies was so cute. I must admit, I did not know anything about Twitter or Blogger either. I think the point of this video is to not give up. I have a disadvantage because I am just learning about this type of technology, but I have no excuse to give up. We have a staff in the computer lab, and they have been so helpful and taught me things I didn't know. I know I need to improve on the way I see videos and interpret them, but isn't that the point of this class? To learn. I have never really used YouTube before this class, so if I don't understand the point of the video, I have someone who will explain it to me. This video did make a point that this class is time consuming, but you really do learn about technology. I would like to make a video showing how I learned about technology by being in EDM310.
Learn to Change, Change to Learn
One of the first things that was mentioned was that education is ranked 55! Not out of 100 but 55! That shows were our priorities are. Something that also caught my attention was that children use technology to communicate and learn, but it is banned from schools. One of the ladies in the video mentioned that technology should begin with the teacher. Let the teachers blog with other teachers. That is true in order for teachers to teach their students. There does need to be a change in the classroom, and I can't wait to begin that change. I want to help students. Like the video said, this will help these students, not only for college, but for life.
Scavenger Hunt 2.0
1. My very first comic
2. I found a video tool I have never used before called Animoto. With this, you can make a slideshow with photos, but more in like a 3-D image. It was really neat seeing how you can make a photo album so meaningful.
3. I found Poll Everywhere. This website allows you to create your own poll.
This video was very true about the way technology is advancing. Dr. Richard Miller talked about the way that people are using books less often and are using the internet as a reading source. I know that we, as students, find ourselves looking up information on the internet with our laptops, rather than running to the library.Dr. Miller used an example with the famous Dr. Martin Luther King. In This Is How We Dream Part 1, it show Dr. Miller sharing his information with other people, and having a chat session between the people.
In This Is How We Dream Part 2, Dr. Miller explains a little about iTunes U. It is very interesting that teachers can share lectures with their students. I loved the part where he said that ideas belong to use as a culture, and I find it fascinating that we can share our ideas with the world. Also, Dr. Miller talks about using your ideas and creativity to make something amazing. He shows us his model of combining humanities and sciences to work together. I think that this technology is great to just show us an idea from a person.
I think these two videos gives us something to think about. First, we all need to be prepared to have to learn how to work with technology. Slowly, writing is becoming extinct. It's kind of like how we used to watch movies from VHS, then to DVD's, and now we are moving to Blue Ray. We might not like the change, but it's happening. Second, we are using technology to share with the world. We can post a video, and have so many people watch the video. Dr. Miller said that in a few months time, he had over 9,000 people view his video and embed it into their blogs. That is just amazing.
Carly Pugh's Blog Post #12
Carly does an amazing job on this assignment. The point of her assignment is to get you to create a playlist that describes your teaching philosophy. Carly pointed out exactly what she wanted the playlist to consist of and the instructions were really good to follow. Carly's assignment comes close to Dr. Miller's hope for writing with multi-media, because she has you to use the internet to locate information. None of this requires using paper and pencil.
The Chipper Series and EDM310 for Dummies
In The Chipper Series, Chipper not only procrastinates, but decides that she doesn't want to turn in her assignments at all. Chipper also blames the teacher for her failure, when she didn't put any effort into her work. Chipper drops out of school,makes a school where you don't have to do anything, and it gets shut down. Chipper tries the easy way and gets her degree online. She gets a teaching job and gets fired after four days. In the end, Chipper decides to get her education the right way after her "cleansing". That is how a majority of the world tries to function. We try to get by with the bare minimum, and in the end it doesn't work. The way I look at it is that we will be in school for four years of our lives, so we should work our hardest. If you think about it, four years is not that long. You will be working for at least 25 years, so make the most of those four years.
EDM310 for Dummies was so cute. I must admit, I did not know anything about Twitter or Blogger either. I think the point of this video is to not give up. I have a disadvantage because I am just learning about this type of technology, but I have no excuse to give up. We have a staff in the computer lab, and they have been so helpful and taught me things I didn't know. I know I need to improve on the way I see videos and interpret them, but isn't that the point of this class? To learn. I have never really used YouTube before this class, so if I don't understand the point of the video, I have someone who will explain it to me. This video did make a point that this class is time consuming, but you really do learn about technology. I would like to make a video showing how I learned about technology by being in EDM310.
Learn to Change, Change to Learn
One of the first things that was mentioned was that education is ranked 55! Not out of 100 but 55! That shows were our priorities are. Something that also caught my attention was that children use technology to communicate and learn, but it is banned from schools. One of the ladies in the video mentioned that technology should begin with the teacher. Let the teachers blog with other teachers. That is true in order for teachers to teach their students. There does need to be a change in the classroom, and I can't wait to begin that change. I want to help students. Like the video said, this will help these students, not only for college, but for life.
Scavenger Hunt 2.0
1. My very first comic
2. I found a video tool I have never used before called Animoto. With this, you can make a slideshow with photos, but more in like a 3-D image. It was really neat seeing how you can make a photo album so meaningful.
3. I found Poll Everywhere. This website allows you to create your own poll.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Short Movie
I decided to read the same story I did my book trailor for. I read The Clown-Arounds Go On Vacation.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Blog Post #7
The Networked Student by Wendy Drexler
This video really showed me how students are getting more involved with technology. The thought that so many podcasts are made for a class lecture. What will the world be like in ten years when it comes to technology? Technology is overpowering our world, and I believe it is a good thing.
The question that was asked was "Why does the networked student even need a teacher?" That is a good question. He said that the teacher is a mentor and helps the students when they get stuck, but really? That is a scary question. Like I said, in ten years, who knows how important teachers will be. I want to make an impact and teach students. This video makes you think about stuff like that.
Towards the end, he says that teacher hopes that in her heart, she helped that student. I believe that teachers will always be needed, but to a certain degree. We are advancing to online classes, where you don't even have to show up to class, or even meet your teacher. In some ways that can be good or bad.
A 7th Grader's Personal Learning Environment (or PLN)
Well my PLN is not near as advanced or organized as hers. You can tell that she has more experience with her PLN than I do. I have never heard of an LPN until this class, so that shouldn't be surprising. It was also cool to see that Mrs. Wendy Drexler had her 7th grade class to work on this project. In the instructions, it said that she wanted to work with middle school students, and she got her chance.
PLN Project #10
I first started with my PLN and I have learned that it is very helpful.This is better than bookmarking your favorite internet page. This is way more organized.
C4T #2
My teacher this go around was Annie Palmer. I her first blog, she said that she was starting a twitter book study group. The group was going to be covering Unmistakable Impact. She then began to talk about how 12 million students will drop out of school, causing the nation to lose $3 trillion dollars. She then began to talk about how teachers need to cooperate with each other and work and as a team instead of individuals. I then said that it is a great idea for teachers to work together and see what works for the students and not themselves. I also said that I was new to twitter, and for her to have a study group through twitter is outstanding. The drop out numbers of students, I was not aware that it was so high.
For the second blog of Annie Palmer, I had to go back to the blog before. She titled it "Recognizing Effort, Not Just Outcome." She said that she reads books from different sections other than education, like in the business section. She said that you will have to fail in order to succeed. She also said that she didn't realize how tough it was on her third grade students to memorize or learn a concept, but she encouraged them anyway. I just responded that I agree with failing in order to succeed, because you would never learn if never failed. I also put that I never thought about going outside of education to learn about education, like reading a business book.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Blog Post #6
Randy Pausch's Last Lecture
It was so hard watching this video just because you know he only has a couple of months to live.It was so nice to see that he likes to make his classes fun. He said that the students spend four years reading books, so they need to have fun in the masters program. If every masters program felt that way. Your could tell that he loved what he did. He had passion to teach and went out of the way for his students. The extra time he spent with his students was amazing. He took one of his classes to Disney World for a week. I would have loved to have been in his program. I want my students to have fun in class, but to also learn. I know that if children get bored, they begin to daydream and lose focus, so why not make school fun and interesting?
"Experiences is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted." Randy Pausch said this during his lecture. He wanted to go to the NFL, but he said that the things he worked for in football got him to where he is today. He said that his coach came to practice without any balls to practice with. The coach told them that techniques is the key to success. That is so true. My dad has told me that my entire life. As a teacher and mentor, we will have to get students to learn the techniques first before we can send them out into the world.
Randy Pausch also said to be careful what you wish for. He always wanted to work at Imagineers. When he finally got the opportunity to work there, he got overwhelmed and overworked. I find this so true. We want so much, but we don't realize what could happen when we get it. How can we wish for more things, when in my opinion, when have everything. We all have the opportunity to go to school, to eat, to breath, to walk, to talk, and many more things that we take for granted. We are so blessed to have the chance to be teachers and impact the world.
Again, it is sad that this video was Randy Pausch's last. Even though I was sad for him, he was so happy and beyond thankful for all of his accomplishments. He had his wife there, and he surprised her with a birthday cake. The smallest things can make someone feel so special, and you can tell that he wanted his wife to feel happy for that moment. Like Randy Pausch said, this opportunity was one in five careers. He has accomplished so much, and has changed the world of technology. He thanked so many people. Even though he is young, in my opinion, he has meet more people than I can imagine. We should all be so thankful. Even though Randy had a pancreas full of cancer, he was thankful for his career, wife, three children, and the his students, colleagues, students, and friends in his life.
C4K Summary for February
My first kid was Jennifer from Pt. England School. She had a picture of herself and a comment saying that it was their first day back in school. I replied that our school's summer break isn't for a few months. She also stated that her favorite subject was math. I told her that I enjoyed math as well as science.
My second kid was Sam. His blog was about how he has had a lot of visitors since the last time he checked. He had 103 visitors. He decided to have a contest. However visited his blog page and left the most comments, he would put the winner's blog on his page. I told him that that was a great idea and it would attract a lot more visitors. I also told him that it is good to see students like himself blogging so well.
My third kid was Naiya. For her blog, she wrote a story. It was a really good story ,too. It was about this boy how loved to play in his basement. One day, a door that has never been opened cracked, and light shined threw it. He got scared and told one of his friends. The friend said that a little girl used to live there, and she said the same thing happened. She told everybody, and no one believed her. His friend said that she thinks she disappeared through that door. So the next time the door cracked, he went in it to save the little girl that vanished. He found her, and they wanted to return, but was stuck at this castle. They finally got to go home, but when they did, they went outside and saw the same castle. That was the end of the story. I told Naiya that she was very creative and a good writer. I told her that I hoped she would write a sequel to this story, because it makes you wonder what happened next.
My last kid for the month was Shakeem. He wrote a poem. It was about a girl who went off with a man.They had fun and laughed, but the man told the girl that he was the god of death, and that she was going to hell. I told him that, like Naiya, it would be great if he wrote a second part. I also said that he is very creative and imaginative. To write a poem like that, he has to be.
That was all of kids. It is really great that kids so young are getting involved with blogging. There blog pages are way more creative than mine.
My second kid was Sam. His blog was about how he has had a lot of visitors since the last time he checked. He had 103 visitors. He decided to have a contest. However visited his blog page and left the most comments, he would put the winner's blog on his page. I told him that that was a great idea and it would attract a lot more visitors. I also told him that it is good to see students like himself blogging so well.
My third kid was Naiya. For her blog, she wrote a story. It was a really good story ,too. It was about this boy how loved to play in his basement. One day, a door that has never been opened cracked, and light shined threw it. He got scared and told one of his friends. The friend said that a little girl used to live there, and she said the same thing happened. She told everybody, and no one believed her. His friend said that she thinks she disappeared through that door. So the next time the door cracked, he went in it to save the little girl that vanished. He found her, and they wanted to return, but was stuck at this castle. They finally got to go home, but when they did, they went outside and saw the same castle. That was the end of the story. I told Naiya that she was very creative and a good writer. I told her that I hoped she would write a sequel to this story, because it makes you wonder what happened next.
My last kid for the month was Shakeem. He wrote a poem. It was about a girl who went off with a man.They had fun and laughed, but the man told the girl that he was the god of death, and that she was going to hell. I told him that, like Naiya, it would be great if he wrote a second part. I also said that he is very creative and imaginative. To write a poem like that, he has to be.
That was all of kids. It is really great that kids so young are getting involved with blogging. There blog pages are way more creative than mine.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Blog Post #5
Don't Teach Your Kids This Stuff. Please? by Dr. McLeod
This blog post has some good points. Dr.McLeod uses sarcasm in this blog. He makes it seems as if it is horrible that teachers uses technology in the classroom. Really he his talking through the parents eyes. Parents are scared about their child being cyber bullied, when really that is the parents responsibility to take control and monitor what their child does on the internet. I didn't get this blog at first, and thought that Dr.McLeod thought this, but I see now how he thinks technology is good for our students.
The iSchool Initiative and ZeitgeistYoungMind's Entry by Travis Allen
These videos was about how schools might or should start using iPod products to teach students. Travis points out some really great facts. Before watching the video, I did not agree with the idea, but by the end of the video, he had me convinced. One of the positive facts about using the iSchool initiative is that it can cut down the cost of books, using expensive copying machines, and go green by not using paper. Travis also said that using books, paper, copiers, and pencils cost around $600 per student, but by using the iSchool initiative, it can cost up to $100 per students.
I think that Travis is doing a great thing. He goes around to schools and has a team of 25 students. I would love to be apart of that. It is very inspirational to see a high school student influence so many people. He has older adults changing their views on technology. That shows that anybody, no matter how young or old, can make a difference in the world.
Eric Whitacre’s Virtual Choir
Amazing how technology works! In this video, Eric Whitacre puts together a choir. Each member of the choir submitted a video of themselves performing the song, and Eric put the pieces together to get the voices in sync. The song was beautiful! You would never be able to tell that these people have never met before! Technology is making a drastic difference in the world.
Teaching in the 21st Century by Kevin Roberts
Well, this video has a lot of points. At one point, he said that students shouldn't be entertained, but engaged. I agree. Engagement allows the student to learn and be active. Also, engagement should be fun. I was kind of confused about the video. It seems like Kevin thinks that internet puts more work on students, which it does, and at first he made engagement sound boring, but said it should be fun.
Reading Rockets
On this website, I saw a few apps that can help students with learning how to read. One app is The Opposites. This app helps the child to learn about opposites, antonyms, and how to determine and tell why the words have opposite meanings.
I also found the app called Professor Garfield Fact or Opinion. This app teaches students how to determine if a statement is a fact or opinion. They also get help from Garfield, which will keep the student's attention. Both of these apps are very helpful for students to learn and have fun.
This blog post has some good points. Dr.McLeod uses sarcasm in this blog. He makes it seems as if it is horrible that teachers uses technology in the classroom. Really he his talking through the parents eyes. Parents are scared about their child being cyber bullied, when really that is the parents responsibility to take control and monitor what their child does on the internet. I didn't get this blog at first, and thought that Dr.McLeod thought this, but I see now how he thinks technology is good for our students.
The iSchool Initiative and ZeitgeistYoungMind's Entry by Travis Allen
These videos was about how schools might or should start using iPod products to teach students. Travis points out some really great facts. Before watching the video, I did not agree with the idea, but by the end of the video, he had me convinced. One of the positive facts about using the iSchool initiative is that it can cut down the cost of books, using expensive copying machines, and go green by not using paper. Travis also said that using books, paper, copiers, and pencils cost around $600 per student, but by using the iSchool initiative, it can cost up to $100 per students.
I think that Travis is doing a great thing. He goes around to schools and has a team of 25 students. I would love to be apart of that. It is very inspirational to see a high school student influence so many people. He has older adults changing their views on technology. That shows that anybody, no matter how young or old, can make a difference in the world.
Eric Whitacre’s Virtual Choir
Amazing how technology works! In this video, Eric Whitacre puts together a choir. Each member of the choir submitted a video of themselves performing the song, and Eric put the pieces together to get the voices in sync. The song was beautiful! You would never be able to tell that these people have never met before! Technology is making a drastic difference in the world.
Teaching in the 21st Century by Kevin Roberts
Well, this video has a lot of points. At one point, he said that students shouldn't be entertained, but engaged. I agree. Engagement allows the student to learn and be active. Also, engagement should be fun. I was kind of confused about the video. It seems like Kevin thinks that internet puts more work on students, which it does, and at first he made engagement sound boring, but said it should be fun.
Reading Rockets
On this website, I saw a few apps that can help students with learning how to read. One app is The Opposites. This app helps the child to learn about opposites, antonyms, and how to determine and tell why the words have opposite meanings.
I also found the app called Professor Garfield Fact or Opinion. This app teaches students how to determine if a statement is a fact or opinion. They also get help from Garfield, which will keep the student's attention. Both of these apps are very helpful for students to learn and have fun.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Sunday, February 19, 2012
C4T #1
I followed Angela Maiers for two weeks. In her first blog, she talked about the 5 C's which are clear direction, clarity focus, capacity, credibility, and courage. She also talked about A.C.T which is action, time and change. I posted that I loved how she took all these letters and made them into something meaningful and powerful. I really like credibility. Angela Maiers took that and made me see how showing somebody something is more effective than to tell someone. I also put that on A.C.T., that we as teachers need to learn how to act upon situations, change the outcome, and put in extra time with our students.
In the next post that Angela Maiers posted, was about her live stream chat that she is apart of. They meet every Tuesday nights on Twitter at #leadershipchat. She also pointed out that a lot of people quit there jobs because of their bosses. She also said that if bosses put in effort, and at least tried to get along with their workers, it could change a lot of things. I posted that I could relate to quitting my job because of my boss. If they would have been more caring and sweet, it could have made a world of difference.
I followed Angela Maiers for two weeks. In her first blog, she talked about the 5 C's which are clear direction, clarity focus, capacity, credibility, and courage. She also talked about A.C.T which is action, time and change. I posted that I loved how she took all these letters and made them into something meaningful and powerful. I really like credibility. Angela Maiers took that and made me see how showing somebody something is more effective than to tell someone. I also put that on A.C.T., that we as teachers need to learn how to act upon situations, change the outcome, and put in extra time with our students.
In the next post that Angela Maiers posted, was about her live stream chat that she is apart of. They meet every Tuesday nights on Twitter at #leadershipchat. She also pointed out that a lot of people quit there jobs because of their bosses. She also said that if bosses put in effort, and at least tried to get along with their workers, it could change a lot of things. I posted that I could relate to quitting my job because of my boss. If they would have been more caring and sweet, it could have made a world of difference.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Blog Post #4
1st Graders Create Their Own Read-Along Audiobook by Langwitches
This podcast was really interesting and a great idea for all teachers. It was about a first grade teacher and her partner (Langwitches) getting their students to record their voices into an audiobook. The students used the audiobook to help them read along while the story was being told. The audiobook also had a distinct sound that indicated to the students that a new chapter had begun.
This idea is great. It helps the students learn how to say words they don't know how to pronounce, teaches them how to follow along, and gives them something different to do. The students had something to look forward to when it was their turn to record. Like the blog said, the students enjoyed experimenting with their voices.
Podcasting with First Grade by Langwitches
This blog was about how Langwitches got her first grade students involved with podcasting. She said that she used the story Vacation Under the Volcano. She had her students interview one another about each chapter, having the boys act as Jack, and the girls as Annie. She had the students practice the sentence they were going to say, and they would record. The students seemed to enjoy participating in this activity, and Langwitches said that the shy students began to come out of their shells.
Getting students involved with podcasting, allows them to learn how to podcast, gets them involved and makes them feel like they are doing something important, and gets them to interact with each other. This is a good idea to use, especially with young children. They will be well prepared for when they get into high school and college.
Listening-Comprehension-Podcasting by Langwithces
The things teachers can do to get students involved and excited to learn? This blog was about second graders recording a story and making it into a podcast. The students got to learn how to speak Hebrew, and put that into their podcast. Also, the students were very involved with editing the podcast and putting the story into order. Langwitches put each students recording out of order, so the students could rearrange into the order the story was told.
I think this is a great idea. The students learned how to identify sentences and put them into chronicle order. They also got to work as a group and get a problem done. I could really use this idea with my future classes, and get them ready for technology.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Blog Post #3
Technology in Special Education
Wow! These kids are so excited and eager to learn with technology. Who knew that technology made that big of a difference to certain people. This could be helpful to any teacher. I could definitely use technology so special education students can learn easy, and it could really make a lot of things easier for them.

How the iPad Works with Academics for Autism
I found the app Intro to Letters. This app can help special needs students learn how to write, pronounce, and hear letters. This video showed how the boy got into learning with an iPad rather than a book or workbook. This also shows how the world is changing, and how we need to accommodate students needs.
Gary Hayes Social Media Count
I mean, the numbers are constantly increasing! I know we are growing with technology, but I didn't know we were moving at that rate. That is impressive to see how the world is changing and moving up the ladder. We are surely making the next move.
To think that in a few years, we will probably not even know where to get paper and pens. We are going to be strictly technology. I believe we are making an advance, and will never go back. That is why we need to get our students prepared. We as teachers need to get our students to learn how to use computers and iPads.
Michael Wesch: A Vision of Students Today
I loved how this video was delivered! I liked the part at the end where the teacher was writing on the chalkboard and stated where were the pictures and animations. How can students learn now? They can't by looking at a chalkboard. Now, pictures are worth 1,000 words. As teachers, not only are we grabbing the students attention, but we are getting them prepared for the technology they will have to use in there careers.
All of these videos are making me alert and teaching me how much more the world has advanced with technology. This video is true. I see students all the time with Facebook on their computer, instead of the class material. We spend all of our time on computers, cell phones, or watching T.V., so we need to meet students half-way.
Wow! These kids are so excited and eager to learn with technology. Who knew that technology made that big of a difference to certain people. This could be helpful to any teacher. I could definitely use technology so special education students can learn easy, and it could really make a lot of things easier for them.
How the iPad Works with Academics for Autism
I found the app Intro to Letters. This app can help special needs students learn how to write, pronounce, and hear letters. This video showed how the boy got into learning with an iPad rather than a book or workbook. This also shows how the world is changing, and how we need to accommodate students needs.
Gary Hayes Social Media Count
I mean, the numbers are constantly increasing! I know we are growing with technology, but I didn't know we were moving at that rate. That is impressive to see how the world is changing and moving up the ladder. We are surely making the next move.
To think that in a few years, we will probably not even know where to get paper and pens. We are going to be strictly technology. I believe we are making an advance, and will never go back. That is why we need to get our students prepared. We as teachers need to get our students to learn how to use computers and iPads.
Michael Wesch: A Vision of Students Today
I loved how this video was delivered! I liked the part at the end where the teacher was writing on the chalkboard and stated where were the pictures and animations. How can students learn now? They can't by looking at a chalkboard. Now, pictures are worth 1,000 words. As teachers, not only are we grabbing the students attention, but we are getting them prepared for the technology they will have to use in there careers.
All of these videos are making me alert and teaching me how much more the world has advanced with technology. This video is true. I see students all the time with Facebook on their computer, instead of the class material. We spend all of our time on computers, cell phones, or watching T.V., so we need to meet students half-way.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Blog Post #2
1.Did You Know? 3.0 - A John Strange 2012 Version by John Strange
This video is a real eye opener. The whole time I was watching it, I was telling my sister about how much more advanced the world has got. India is so much smarter than the U.S. Who would have thought? I know they are smart, but I never really thought about how smart they are. 25% of India's population is smarter than the whole United States population. Another interesting fact is that China is estimated to speak more English than the entire world. That is crazy! The way I feel about this is that the United States needs to step up, educationally. We are so wrapped up in sports, appearances, and what other people think, we let education slip. I also didn't realize how much the internet and cell phones are used. More than ONE MILLION people view YouTube or use Google per minute!!
2. Mr. Winkle Wakes by Mathew Needleman
That is great that education is being taken serious. From what I can tell, people in the older days took education and learning so serious. That was the number one1 priority for children then. That is amazing that it still is.
People also take for granted how blessed we are to be so technologically advanced. People back then died so young because they didn't have the machines and medicines that we have today. Some of my family live in Oklahoma, and I can call or Skype to communicate. I am so glad that today's society is so much more fit for people, and people had a major impact by inventing.
3. Sir Ken Robinson: The Importance of Creativity by TEDS
This video had me thinking. Like when Ken Robinson said that we, teachers, are suppose to be preparing and educating students about the what the world will be like in five years, but really, we have no clue. Creativity is as important as education? I agree!!! Like Ken Robinson said, some people only think when they dance.
The world is getting so much more different than twenty years ago. Today we have autistic kids, who are active and love to move. We have to learn how to accommodate today's society. I also liked when he said that we are scared to make mistakes. We are human and imperfect. We learn through mistakes, and that is how we accelerate in learning. Also, I loved Ken Robinson's sense of humor. He kept my attention throughout the video and had me laughing.
4. A Vision for 21st Century Learning by TEDS
I believe that if teachers taught through technology, children would learn so much more at a faster pace.Like the video, children get bored with reading, memorizing, and sitting in a desk all day long. They like video games, so why not use it to teach? That's where this video is getting. Let's use technology to our advantage. It's a win-win situation.
5. Vicki Davis: Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts
Vicki Davis is doing great things. I wish I had the opportunity to attend a class like this when I was in high school. This class is preparing the students for blogging and college. Websites like Wiki can give students experience as a blogger. I also like how Vicki Davis said that the students teach her. That is so true. Students learn from teachers, but teachers also learn from students.
These students are also getting to communicate with people from all over the world. One of the students said that she and students from over the world made a video together. This video reflects the other four videos that I have recently watches. Technology, communication, and teaching is advancing. Students are getting taught to catch them up with today's society.
This video is a real eye opener. The whole time I was watching it, I was telling my sister about how much more advanced the world has got. India is so much smarter than the U.S. Who would have thought? I know they are smart, but I never really thought about how smart they are. 25% of India's population is smarter than the whole United States population. Another interesting fact is that China is estimated to speak more English than the entire world. That is crazy! The way I feel about this is that the United States needs to step up, educationally. We are so wrapped up in sports, appearances, and what other people think, we let education slip. I also didn't realize how much the internet and cell phones are used. More than ONE MILLION people view YouTube or use Google per minute!!

That is great that education is being taken serious. From what I can tell, people in the older days took education and learning so serious. That was the number one1 priority for children then. That is amazing that it still is.
People also take for granted how blessed we are to be so technologically advanced. People back then died so young because they didn't have the machines and medicines that we have today. Some of my family live in Oklahoma, and I can call or Skype to communicate. I am so glad that today's society is so much more fit for people, and people had a major impact by inventing.
3. Sir Ken Robinson: The Importance of Creativity by TEDS
This video had me thinking. Like when Ken Robinson said that we, teachers, are suppose to be preparing and educating students about the what the world will be like in five years, but really, we have no clue. Creativity is as important as education? I agree!!! Like Ken Robinson said, some people only think when they dance.
The world is getting so much more different than twenty years ago. Today we have autistic kids, who are active and love to move. We have to learn how to accommodate today's society. I also liked when he said that we are scared to make mistakes. We are human and imperfect. We learn through mistakes, and that is how we accelerate in learning. Also, I loved Ken Robinson's sense of humor. He kept my attention throughout the video and had me laughing.
4. A Vision for 21st Century Learning by TEDS
I believe that if teachers taught through technology, children would learn so much more at a faster pace.Like the video, children get bored with reading, memorizing, and sitting in a desk all day long. They like video games, so why not use it to teach? That's where this video is getting. Let's use technology to our advantage. It's a win-win situation.
5. Vicki Davis: Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts
Vicki Davis is doing great things. I wish I had the opportunity to attend a class like this when I was in high school. This class is preparing the students for blogging and college. Websites like Wiki can give students experience as a blogger. I also like how Vicki Davis said that the students teach her. That is so true. Students learn from teachers, but teachers also learn from students.
These students are also getting to communicate with people from all over the world. One of the students said that she and students from over the world made a video together. This video reflects the other four videos that I have recently watches. Technology, communication, and teaching is advancing. Students are getting taught to catch them up with today's society.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Blog Post 1
About Me!
Hello. My name is Daisy Snow, and I am a junior at the University of South Alabama. I am from McIntosh, Alabama, but I recently just moved to Saraland, Alabama. I have lived in Oklahoma for the first two years of my life (which I don't remember, because I was a baby.) I also lived in Gilbertown, Alabama for about 5 years. I have a sister, Ashley, and two brothers, Ajay and Christian. My parents are Connie and Rhonda Snow. We are very family-oriented. My parents have 3 children in college.
I have always wanted to be a teacher since I was in about the 2nd grade. My dad is a teacher, and I see that he really enjoys his job. My sister is also going into education, so my family will be full of teachers. When I was in high school, I loved helping teachers grade papers. I liked to tutor the children and see them light up when they understood the material. I want to do that for my job.
Time Management
Randy Pausch said a lot of things that made sense. He said that people are bad with keeping up with time, but good with keeping up with money. That is true with this society. People are so caught up with the value of money, and lose focus of everything else. He also said that planning will help. It's better to have a plan, than to not have one at all. Another good thing to keep up with is a to-do list. I will definitly keep all this in mind when I start teaching.
Hello. My name is Daisy Snow, and I am a junior at the University of South Alabama. I am from McIntosh, Alabama, but I recently just moved to Saraland, Alabama. I have lived in Oklahoma for the first two years of my life (which I don't remember, because I was a baby.) I also lived in Gilbertown, Alabama for about 5 years. I have a sister, Ashley, and two brothers, Ajay and Christian. My parents are Connie and Rhonda Snow. We are very family-oriented. My parents have 3 children in college.
I have always wanted to be a teacher since I was in about the 2nd grade. My dad is a teacher, and I see that he really enjoys his job. My sister is also going into education, so my family will be full of teachers. When I was in high school, I loved helping teachers grade papers. I liked to tutor the children and see them light up when they understood the material. I want to do that for my job.
Time Management
Randy Pausch said a lot of things that made sense. He said that people are bad with keeping up with time, but good with keeping up with money. That is true with this society. People are so caught up with the value of money, and lose focus of everything else. He also said that planning will help. It's better to have a plan, than to not have one at all. Another good thing to keep up with is a to-do list. I will definitly keep all this in mind when I start teaching.
Monday, January 23, 2012
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